Shoaib Arshad

Shoaib Arshad

Shoaib Arshad is a young civil society leader, talented curator, and accomplished educator. He is the Founder and Executive Director of Funoon Forum, a youth-led dialogue platform, Director of the Nixor Literature Festival, and a rising teacher affiliated with leading colleges in Karachi. He graduated top of his class with a major in International Political Economy from Bridgeport University in the US, where he was selected as one of five students for the worldwide Global Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship. Since returning, he has been associated with the pedagogy of Global Perspectives and Urdu Literature. He has demonstrated his capabilities as an effective teacher trainer and has gained teaching certifications from Cambridge, Harvard, OUP, NYU, and more. He has made his mark in youth development initiatives and regularly features in universities, conferences, and literature festivals as a speaker and youth representative.