Salma Malik
Salma Malik is Assistant Professor at the Department of Defence and Strategic Studies, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. She is a member, Board of Governors, Institute of Regional Studies, Islamabad. She is an alumnus of Uppsala University, Sweden, the Asia Pacific Center for Strategic Studies APCSS, Hawaii. Besides being a member of IISS London, she is part of various regional and international fora. Prior to joining QAU, she worked as a Research Officer at the Institute of Strategic Studies, Islamabad, Pakistan (June 1996-August 1999). Her publications include an edited volume, Pakistan’s Security Problems and Challenges in the Next Decade (October 2015); RCSS Policy Studies titled, Small Arms and the Security Debate in South Asia; USIP co-authored study Mapping Conflict Trends in Pakistan, besides articles in research journals, book chapters and monthly columns.