Sadiq Mari

Sadiq Mari

Hailing from Balochistan, Sadiq Mari’s poems are rich with astounding imagery. He avoids traditional metaphors and similes, creating his own unique expressions. His poetry also explores history and historic figures in a distinctive manner, always on his own terms. His collection of nazms, titled Karezon Mein Behta Paani (The Water Flowing Underground), feels like a fresh breeze to readers of Urdu poetry, introducing the latest words and symbols that poetry can offer.

Sadiq Mari has published several notable works. His book Singani Zavan showcases his Balochi poetry, while Karezon Mein Behta Paani features his Urdu poems. He has also translated Balochi poetry into Urdu in Mubarak Qazi Ki Nazmen. Additionally, his collection of Urdu ghazals, titled Shola-e-Barshagal, further highlights his versatility as a poet.

In addition to his published works, Sadiq Mari has two unpublished collections: one of Balochi poetry and another of Urdu poems, which are eagerly awaited by his readers.