Peter Coughlin
Peter Coughlin is an industrial and agro-industrial economist with 40 years of professional experience in eastern and southern Africa. He holds a PhD from the University of New Mexico (1975) and has conducted and supervised numerous research projects and written five books about labour relations, industrialization strategy, management, and tactics for negotiations with international companies. Peter has authored five other books on economic topics and, as a side-line, edits academic reports and books as well as other works. As an editor, Peter encouraged his dear and long-time friend, Mushir Anwar, to write and revise A Piece of the Moon and, after Anwar’s death in 2015, continued with Khayyam Mushir, Anwar’s son, to edit Anwar’s completed draft and prepare the glossary, genealogical table, and layout for the novel and cover published by Folio Books and presently being launched at the 2023 book fairs in Karachi and Lahore.