Baela Raza Jamil
A public policy specialist, innovator, and reformer, Baela Raza Jamil is CEO of Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi (ITA) and founder of the Children’s Literature Festival now known as the Pakistan Learning Festival. She leads large nationwide social movements for education reforms in Early Years, Girls Education and Livelihoods, including the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) Pakistan. More recently she has spearheaded along with 20+ organizations the first ever Education Parliamentarians Caucus Pakistan announced on the International Day of Education (Jan 24, 2022) with 20 parliamentarians.
Baela is invested in ending violence against women and ending child/early forced marriages. She prominently serves on government federal and provincial boards and platforms including the National Education Foundation, Punjab Social Protection Authority; Sub-convenor Steering Committee on Education at the Ministry of Planning Development & Special Initiatives, Local Education Group member in three provinces and the Sanjan Nagar Public Education Trust (SNPET). Baela served as technical adviser to the Federal Ministry of Education from 2000-2004
Globally, Baela Jamil is the Commissioner Education Commission with Gordon Brown as Chair; one of 12 members on UNESCO IBE Council; has served on UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, as Vice Chair (GMR); UNESCO Institute of Statistics as the Chairperson of SDG 4.2.1 (ECE) Task Force; Member, Platform for Girls Education – Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK; Advisor, Global Business Coalition for Education; Advisor, Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), Delivery Board, Oxford UK and member People’s Action for Learning (PAL) Network.