Ahmad Shabbar
Ahmad Shabbar is the Founder of the Pakistan Maholiati Tahaffuz Movement (PMTM), a grassroots effort aimed at pushing for Climate Justice. A scientist and an engineer by profession, he completed his BA in Physics from Reed College and a second BSc in Mechanical and Energy Engineering from the University of North Texas. He has worked at the Reed Research Reactor (a research nuclear reactor); and won the top prize at NASA’s Texas Space Grant Consortium. Ahmad Shabbar now focuses on the terrestrial, tangible plain: mother earth as an environmental activist. He brings his solution-oriented approach to the waste management crisis via his company ‘GarbageCAN’; to the dearth of environmental awareness via his online platform ‘The Environmental’, and lack of understanding of how climate change impacts us via grass-roots outreach efforts through PMTM. He helped organize the first Climate March, helped protect the Buddu and Bandal islands as lead petitioner, and continues to push decision-makers to make the right choice for our and their futures.
‘Our culture, economics, and politics is based on nature. Jahan hai tou jaan hai. For our own sakes, it’s time to give back to nature after exploiting it so.’ – Ahmad Shabbar