Afia Salam
Afia Salam holds a Master’s in Geography and has a career spanning four decades in print, electronic, and web journalism. She is a member of the National Climate Change Council, the Prime Minister’s advisory body, and the National Coordinating Body for Marine Protected Areas. Afia is a Fellow of LEAD, FNF’s International Academy of Leadership, and Australia Awards, and a member of PUAN, IUCN Commission on Education & Communications, and Commission on Economic & Social Policy.
She has been highlighting environmental and climate change issues through her writings and advocacy, including seminars, panel discussions, and round tables. Afia has also been teaching and training university students, teachers, school children, government officers, community members, and journalists about climate change impacts and environmental degradation.
As a development practitioner, she is currently the elected General Secretary of Baanhn Beli, co-President of the Salman Sufi Foundation, Trustee of The Helpline Trust, Board member of PILAP (Public Interest Litigation Association of Pakistan), and Chair of the Board of Trustees of Indus Earth Trust. She can be reached on Twitter @afiasalam, LinkedIn: Afia Salam, and Instagram: @salamafia.